Softaculous is a great One Click Installer having 175 great scripts integrated within it and still planning to add more. It is an ideal cpanel add-on for dedicated servers providers and significantly can boost your sales. Softaculous has a wide range of scripts of almost all the categories, that can power a website. Compare to the Fantastico De Luxe, it offers much more scripts for a user.
Following is the complete list of softaculous scripts:
Scripts based on PHP
Blog Scripts:
- WordPress
- b2evolution
- LifeType
- Dotclear
- Textpattern
- Nucleus
- Serendipity
- Open Blog
- eggBlog
- Pixie
Micro Blog Scripts:
- StatusNet
Portal/CMS Scripts:
- Zikula
- Joomla
- Geeklog
- Drupal
- Mambo
- PHP-Nuke
- Website Bakers
- News
- Pligg
- MODx
- Xoops
- Typo3
- Concrete5
- phpwcms
- e107
- CMS Made Simple
Forum Scripts:
- phpBB
- MyBB
- Phorum
- PunBB
- UseBB
- FluxBB
- bbPress
- Vanilla
Image Gallery Scripts:
- Coppermine
- TinyWebGallery
- Gallery
- LinPHA
- Piwigo
- Pixelpost
- ZenPhoto
- phpAlbum
- Shutter
- 4images
Wiki Scripts:
- MediaWiki
- DokuWiki
- PhpWiki
- PmWiki
- TikiWiki
- WikkaWiki
Social Networking Scripts:
- Elgg
- Dolphin
- Jcow
Ad Management Scripts:
- Noahs Classifieds
- OpenX
- Kamads
- PHPads
- OpenClassifieds
Calendar Scripts:
- WebCalendar
- phpicalendar
- phpScheduleIt
Gaming Scripts:
- Shadows Rising
- Word Search Puzzle
- Multiplayer Checkers
- BlackNova Traders
Mail Scripts:
- phpList
- Webinsta Maillist
- poMMo
- SquirrelMail
- ccMail
- OpenNewsletter
Polls and Survey Scripts:
- LimeSurvey
- phpESP
- EasyPoll
- LittlePoll
- Simple PHP Poll
- CJ Dynamic Poll
- Aardvark Topsites
- Advanced Poll
- Piwik
Project Management Scripts:
- dotProject
- phpCollab
- PHProjekt
- NetOffice
- ProjectPier
- Mantis Bug Tracker
- SugarCRM
- Feng Office
- eyeOS
- Mound
- The Bug Genie
- TaskFreak
E-Commerce Scripts:
- Zen Cart
- Freeway
- osCommerce
- OpenCart
- PrestaShop
- phpShop
- Magento
- CubeCart
- AccountLab Plus
- PHP Point Of Sale
- TheHostingTool
- TomatoCart
ERP Scripts:
- OrangeHRM
- FrontAccounting
Guest Book Scripts:
- Advanced Guestbook
- phpBook
- BellaBook
- VX Guestbook
- Lazarus
- RicarGBooK
Customer Support Scripts:
- Crafty Syntax
- Help Center Live
- osTicket
- ExoPHPDesk
- phpSupport
- Open Web Messenger
- phpOnline
- phpMyFAQ
- iQDesk
- PHP Support Tickets
Framework Scripts:
- CodeIgniter
- PHPDevShell
- Symfony
- yii
- Zend
- PhpOpenBiz
- xAjax
- AjaxAC
- Kohana
Educational Scripts:
- Moodle
- ATutor
- TCExam
Music Scripts:
- kPlaylist
- Podcast Generator
- Impleo
Video Scripts:
- ClipBucket
- VidiScript
RSS Scripts:
- Gregarius
Other Scripts:
- FAQMasterFlex
- phpLD
- Open-Realty
- WeBid
- Claroline
- PHPfileNavigator
- cFTP
- PhpGedView
- phpFormGenerator
- OpenDocMan
- phpFreeChat
- PHP QR Code
Scripts Based on JS
Library Scripts:
- jQuery
- Ext JS
- Scripty2
- MochiKit
- MooTools
- Prototype
- Rico
- Dojo
- Raphael
- Sizzle
- PaintbrushJS